The Wobble

I’ve been having a Leave the Quest Test lately.  That part in the story where someone wants to go home, like the Hobbits dreaming of second breakfast. Or when Han Solo gets fed up with young wanna-bes and takes back his ship and agency.  You know, wanting it to be different.

Christian theology calls it a crisis of faith. Where we simply question what we’re doing.

Even though it isn’t as nice as feeling all purposeful and super-powery, it’s super necessary sometimes.  Just an assessment and realignment.  Is this really what I feel like doing?  Am I missing something?  What’s working and what isn’t?

One key is to dial in your disciplined practices.  Prayer, yoga, walking, gym dates, journaling, gardening, daily gratitude review, acts of service, reframing, getting curious, slowing down….

And just listen.

It’s an opportunity to re-align.  Firm up some resolve and recollect that faith.  Because the world is needing our gifts right now.

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